Safeguarding Policy



Child Safeguarding Policy Statement


We believe that the welfare of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility, particularly when it comes to protecting them from abuse. Envirocare Ltd works to ensure that all children and young people coming into contact with our employees, workers or subcontractors are protected and treated with respect.


At the same time, Envirocare Ltd works to protect its employees from the risk of unfounded allegation.


Policy Principles  

• The wellbeing and safety of each child is paramount

• All children regardless of disability, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief and sexual orientation have the right to be protected from harm.

• It is everyone’s responsibility to report all suspicious concerns and allegations of abuse will be properly investigated and dealt with in a swiftly and appropriately manner.

• All alleged poor practice incidents, misconduct and abuse will be taken seriously by Envirocare and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

• All personal date will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.


Envirocare Ltd will:  

• Make sure that all its workers understand their legal and moral obligations to protect children and young persons from harm, abuse and exploitation.

• Carry out disclosure barring service (DBS) checks on new staff and carry out a risk assessment of any information disclosed.

• Ensure all employees, workers and subcontractors are aware of and abide by this Child Protection Policy.


Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children & Young Persons , The following must be adhered to by all staff, workers, site visitors and subcontract staff:


a) Observe this Code at all times.

b) Stay within the confines of the agreed site or work area.

c) Site Supervisor to record employees/sub-contractors names working on each site daily.

d) Keep Site Supervisors informed of where you are and what you are doing.

e) Treat all children equally, with respect and dignity. Ensure the welfare of the children is put first.

f) Avoid contact with children. Do not join in/play games with the children. Do not share food and drink with the children. Do not offer to buy or sell items to children. Do not give your address or telephone number to children.

g) If spoken to by a child please be polite but do not enter into lengthy conversation and do not engage children in conversation. Do not use inappropriate language on site.

h) Do not engage in any physical contact with a child (it could easily be misinterpreted or misconstrued).

i) Dress appropriately: no bare chest, no inappropriate imagery or wording on T-shirts, etc.

j) Do not bring or drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes in the company of children.

k) Remember that your actions, no matter how well-intentioned, could be misinterpreted. 

l) Report any matters out of the ordinary / of concern to the relevant authorities immediately.


Review of this policy  - This policy and its procedures shall be reviewed at least annually to monitor effectiveness: 

• In accordance with changes in legislation and guidance on the protection of children and vulnerable adults or any changes within Envirocare.

• Following any concerns or issues that have been raised about Envirocare and the protection of children or vulnerable adults

• Or in any other circumstances   Ensure all allegations are reported immediately to your Supervisor  

Contact us

Tel:      07970 493754



We're also available via our contact form.

Opening times

Normal Office hours between 8am - 5.30pm

Emegency Call Mobile 24/7

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